How to care for windows and keep them in good condition?

PVC windows: Advantages:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation: PVC windows have high energy efficiency, keeping the heat in the rooms and preventing energy loss.
  2. Low price: uPVC windows are generally more affordable than windows made of other materials.
  3. Easy maintenance: They are easy to keep clean and do not require painting or maintenance.


  1. Aesthetics: Some people believe that PVC windows do not have such charm and character as wooden windows.
  2. Less durability: Compared to wooden and aluminum windows, PVC windows may be less resistant to mechanical damage and aging of the material.
  3. Limited design options: uPVC windows may have limited options to customize the look and feel to your specific preferences.

Wooden windows: Advantages:

  1. Aesthetics: Wooden windows are valued for their natural beauty, warmth and elegance, which can add charm to the interior and facade of the building.
  2. Thermal insulation: Wood is a good thermal insulator, which contributes to the reduction of heat loss.
  3. Durability: If properly cared for, wooden windows can last a long time and be resistant to damage.


  1. Higher costs: Wooden windows are typically more expensive to purchase and require regular maintenance such as painting or varnishing.
  2. Maintenance: Wooden windows require regular maintenance such as painting or impregnation to maintain their durability and appearance.
  3. Sensitivity to weather conditions: Wood can deform and deteriorate under the influence of moisture, rain, sun and other external factors.

Aluminum windows: Advantages:

  1. Strength and durability: Aluminum windows are resistant to deformation, corrosion and mechanical damage.
  2. Low maintenance: Aluminum is easy to keep clean and requires no painting or maintenance.
  3. Possibility of large glazing: Aluminum is light and durable, which allows the construction of large glazing.


  1. Poor thermal insulation: Aluminum windows can conduct heat and cold, which can lead to greater energy losses compared to uPVC and wooden windows.
  2. Higher Price: Aluminum windows can be more expensive than uPVC windows.
  3. Less aesthetic options: Aluminum has a more modern and industrial look, which may not suit all architectural styles.

It is worth remembering that the advantages and disadvantages of windows may vary depending on individual preferences, budget, location and other factors. Before deciding on the choice of windows, it is recommended to consult with professionals and familiarize yourself with the options available on the market.