What is a door transom?

A door fanlight, also known as a "fanlight" or "window fanlight," is a door design element that is usually placed above or next to the entrance door. It is a glazed or usual glazing that can take different shapes and designs and is designed to bring natural light into the room behind the door.

The functions of the door transom are:

  1. Lighting: A door transom allows natural light to enter a room, which can help reduce electricity consumption to illuminate the interior during the day.

  2. Aesthetics: a transom can be a decorative design element and add aesthetic appeal to both the door and the entire interior.

  3. Space and airiness: By introducing light, transom can also make a room appear more spacious and welcoming.

  4. External visibility: If the transom is glazed, it allows a view of the outside, which can be useful for security or aesthetic purposes.

Door transom can come in a variety of shapes and designs, from simple windows to more complex designs. It's an element that, in addition to its functional properties, can also provide a finishing touch and personalize the door and the entire building.